Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blessing, Wishing....

reach the time for me to make a decision for my future
just left one month, i going to finish my internship training. where is the right place should i go?
is it everyone will face tis problem when they graduate?
i m so worry now.
i hope i got time to rest, two weeks...give me two weeks...i need to rest, i have to rest.

sometimes i feel i like a machines, keep on working, running...
after SPM->NS->Diploma->Training->Working...
i hope that i can have a short break, to go outside, have a good relax time, see the word.

my destination

the Taiwan trip i plan before is still delaying... since 2 years before i plan to go taiwan to meet my brother, but until today, i still unable to go there.

i feel like 'empty'
my life is empty....
so pity to say that. that incident make me and my family change. totally change.
is positive? or negative? i cant rate it.
2010- will be a new starting point for me and my family.
i hope everything can go fine and well.
my career, brother job, daddy business, richard study, mummy health....everything.....
bad luck will leave me...
God bless..